Essential oils

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  • Field of application: Natural Immunity
  • Aceite Esencial de Mandravasarotra (Saro) | Inula
    • Bio

    Aceite Esencial de Mandravasarotra (Saro)

    Cinnamosma fragrans


    Native to Madagascar this evergreen and very aromatic tree can reach up to 5m of height. In Malagasy, Mandravasarotra means «what keeps evil away». This is the plant most used by the populations of the western part of the island. In that Sakalava area the plant is called Motrobeatiagnana or Motrobeatianina meaning « big fire in the entrails » because its overground part has a spicy and hot flavour. But, depending on the different Malagasy dialects, it is also called Fanalamangidy “what takes away the bitterness“ or Mangidymanitra “what smells like bitterness“ or Sakarivohazo “gingerwood“ ou Sakaihazo “pimento wood“.


    Cinnamosma fragrans
  • Chinese cinnamon

    Cinnamomum cassia

    Urinary Tract

    Of this lauracea, G. Capus said : ”There is no prescription without cinnamon in Chinese medicine”. Indeed, its multiple antiseptic, anti-infectious and very broad-spectrum powerful action destroys 98% of pathogenic bacteria, grampositive cocci and gram-negative bacilli. It is also a powerful tonic of the sympathetic nervous system and a general and sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac.


    Cinnamomum cassia
  • Clove | Inula
    • Bio


    Eugenia caryophyllus

    Urinary Tract

    Native to the Molucca islands, this 20-m tall tree thrives on drained tropical maritime soils. It has tough, persistent leaves found opposite each other. Its pinkish white flowers are grouped in small, compact ramified cymes.


    Eugenia caryophyllus
  • Clove

    Eugenia caryophyllus

    Urinary Tract

    Native to the Molucca islands, this 20-m tall tree thrives on drained tropical maritime soils. It has tough, persistent leaves found opposite each other. Its pinkish white flowers are grouped in small, compact ramified cymes.


    Eugenia caryophyllus
  • Eucalyptus globulus

    Eucalyptus globulus


    Found in many areas around the world (Spain, Chile, India, China, etc.) and widely used for its curative properties, this beautiful tree from the large aromatic myrtacaea family has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and expectorant properties


    Eucalyptus globulus
  • Eucalyptus globulus | Inula
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    Eucalyptus globulus

    Eucalyptus globulus


    Found in many areas around the world (Spain, Chile, India, China, etc.) and widely used for its curative properties, this beautiful tree from the large aromatic myrtacaea family has antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and expectorant properties


    Eucalyptus globulus
  • Eucalyptus radiata | Inula
    • Bio

    Eucalyptus radiata

    Eucalyptus radiata ssp radiata


    Thriving in the drained soils of subtropical higher ground, eucalyptus radiata has a grey-blue trunk, deciduous bark, round juvenile leaves and lanceolate adult leaves. Australian aborigines use the fresh leaves to dress their wounds.


    Eucalyptus radiata ssp radiata
  • Eucalyptus radiata

    Eucalyptus radiata ssp radiata


    Thriving in the drained soils of subtropical higher ground, eucalyptus radiata has a grey-blue trunk, deciduous bark, round juvenile leaves and lanceolate adult leaves. Australian aborigines use the fresh leaves to dress their wounds.


    Eucalyptus radiata ssp radiata
  • Ho wood

    Cinnamomum camphora

    Beauty Treatments

    The Hô wood is related to the Cinnamomum family, like Ravintsara for example. The full botanical name is also Cinnamomum camphora CT linalool which could lead to think that it is Ravintsara but it is of a very different chemotype. Ho Wood essential oil is obtained by distilling the bark of a Chinese tree, also called Shiu wood or Chinese laurel. Twin of the Rose wood; Ho Wood essential oil has excellent efficacy and good skin tolerance.


    Cinnamomum camphora
  • Ho wood | Inula
    • Bio

    Ho wood

    Cinnamomum camphora

    Beauty Treatments

    The Bois de Hô is related to the Cinnamomum family, like Ravintsara for example. The full botanical name is also Cinnamomum camphora CT linalool which could lead to think that it is Ravintsara but it is of a very different chemotype. Ho Wood essential oil is obtained by distilling the bark of a Chinese tree, also called Shiu wood or Chinese laurel. Twin of the Bois de Rose; Ho Wood essential oil has excellent efficacy and good skin tolerance.


    Cinnamomum camphora
  • Honey myrtle ct cineole | Inula
    • Bio

    Honey myrtle ct cineole

    Myrtus communis

    Natural Immunity

    Native plant throughout the Mediterranean scrub in Corsica and Sardinia., It is used to flavor game and fatty meats, but also to make an excellent liqueur. The berries are appreciated for their taste similar to that of juniper and the leaves to that of rosemary. They have astringent and digestive properties.


    Myrtus communis
  • Huile Essentielle de Mandravasarotra (Saro)

    Cinnamosma fragrans - Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Mandravasotra. Une solution Pranarôm 100% pure et intégrale.


    Native to Madagascar this evergreen and very aromatic tree can reach up to 5m of height. In Malagasy, Mandravasarotra means «what keeps evil away». This is the plant most used by the populations of the western part of the island. In that Sakalava area the plant is called Motrobeatiagnana or Motrobeatianina meaning « big fire in the entrails » because its overground part has a spicy and hot flavour. But, depending on the different Malagasy dialects, it is also called Fanalamangidy “what takes away the bitterness“ or Mangidymanitra “what smells like bitterness“ or Sakarivohazo “gingerwood“ ou Sakaihazo “pimento wood“.


    Cinnamosma fragrans - Découvrez l'Huile Essentielle de Mandravasotra. Une solution Pranarôm 100% pure et intégrale.
  • 15190
    • Bio

    Majoram, sweet

    Origanum majorana

    Sleep and Relaxation

    Native to North Africa, this scented perennial plant has dark green oval leaves and small white flowers. When crushed, the leaves release a sweet, spicy powerful aroma appreciated by all. Sweet marjoram provides a precious essential oil for all ailments whose nervous origin is clearly established. In these situations, it remains an indispensable product because it re-establishes the patient’s terrain by balancing any nervous deviations.


    Origanum majorana
  • Majoram, sweet

    Origanum majorana

    Sleep and Relaxation

    Native to North Africa, this scented perennial plant has dark green oval leaves and small white flowers. When crushed, the leaves release a sweet, spicy powerful aroma appreciated by all. Sweet marjoram provides a precious essential oil for all ailments whose nervous origin is clearly established. In these situations, it remains an indispensable product because it re-establishes the patient’s terrain by balancing any nervous deviations.


    Origanum majorana
  • Morrocan oregano

    Origanum compactum

    Urinary Tract

    Native to North Africa, this aromatic plant thrives on thin soil on a sunny mountainous slope. Its dark green, spicy-tasting leaves are oval and pointed, and its flowers are found in compact, scented pinkish purple inflorescences.


    Origanum compactum
  • Morrocan oregano | Inula
    • Bio

    Morrocan oregano

    Origanum compactum

    Urinary Tract

    Native to North Africa, this aromatic plant thrives on thin soil on a sunny mountainous slope. Its dark green, spicy-tasting leaves are oval and pointed, and its flowers are found in compact, scented pinkish purple inflorescences.


    Origanum compactum
  • 15159
    • Bio


    Melaleuca quinquenervia

    Beauty Treatments

    Niaouli provides an essential oil remarkable for its efficacy and tolerance, and formerly known as gomenol. Like true lavender, it is considered a panacea because of its wide range of indications. The multiple results obtained through its use allows it to be classified among the top 10 essential oils used by the informed consumer.


    Melaleuca quinquenervia
  • Niaouli

    Melaleuca quinquenervia

    Beauty Treatments

    Niaouli provides an essential oil remarkable for its efficacy and tolerance, and formerly known as gomenol. Like true lavender, it is considered a panacea because of its wide range of indications. The multiple results obtained through its use allows it to be classified among the top 10 essential oils used by the informed consumer.


    Melaleuca quinquenervia
  • Ravintsara | Inula
    • Bio


    Cinnamomum camphora

    Sleep and Relaxation

    Native to Madagascar and also known as Cinnamomum camphora ct cineole. Ravintsara grows wild in wet tropical forests and can reach a height of 15 metres. Its leaves are oval, alternate, tough, wide, persistent and shiny on the upper side, a reminder that it belongs to the Lauracea family. The plant flowers from November to January and produces a very characteristic berry


    Cinnamomum camphora
  • Ravintsara

    Cinnamomum camphora

    Sleep and Relaxation

    Native to Madagascar and also known as Cinnamomum camphora ct cineole. Ravintsara grows wild in wet tropical forests and can reach a height of 15 metres. Its leaves are oval, alternate, tough, wide, persistent and shiny on the upper side, a reminder that it belongs to the Lauracea family. The plant flowers from November to January and produces a very characteristic berry


    Cinnamomum camphora
  • Ravintsara | Inula
    • Bio



    Native to Madagascar and also called Cinnamomum camphora ct cineole, it grows wild in tropical rainforests and can reach 15 meters. Its leaves are oval, alternate, leathery and broad, persistent and shiny on the upper side, reminding of its membership in the Lauraceae family. Flowering takes place from November to January and provides a very characteristic berry.


  • Rosewood | Inula
    • Bio


    Beauty Treatments

    Rosewood is related to the Lauraceae family, such as Ravintsara. The full botanical name is Aniba rosaeodora ssp amazonica. Rosewood essential oil is obtained by distillation of the leafy twigs exclusively from the cultivation of this protected plant species. The Rosewood twin: Howood essential oil has very good molecular efficiency and skin tolerance although its energetic action and fragrance are not as subtle as Rosewood.


  • Tea-tree

    Melaleuca alternifolia

    Beauty Treatments

    Tea tree is an essential oil that no longer needs to prove itself ! It is found in a very large number of washing (soap, shampoo, bath oil) and cosmetic products. In addition to these applications, it is rightly considered a reliable element of medical and family aromatherapy. Today, enormous demand for tea tree has led to the establishment of plantations that extend over thousands of hectares in Australia.


    Melaleuca alternifolia
  • 15150
    • Bio


    Melaleuca alternifolia

    Beauty Treatments

    Tea tree is an essential oil that no longer needs to prove itself ! It is found in a very large number of washing (soap, shampoo, bath oil) and cosmetic products. In addition to these applications, it is rightly considered a reliable element of medical and family aromatherapy. Today, enormous demand for tea tree has led to the establishment of plantations that extend over thousands of hectares in Australia.


    Melaleuca alternifolia
  • Thyme ct linalol | Inula
    • Bio

    Thyme ct linalol

    Thymus vulgaris

    Urinary Tract

    Thymus is a genus of the Lamiaceae family which includes more than 300 species. They are plants, rich in essential oils, creeping or in cushion bearing small pale pink or white flowers. Thyme linalool can form homogeneous populations at small sites. In all these cases, the habitat is located at medium altitude, between 500 and 1000 meters and characterized by less intense sunshine, lower temperature and higher air humidity than in the plain. However, this thyme can grow under very different ecological conditions.


    Thymus vulgaris
  • Thyme ct linalol

    Thymus vulgaris

    Urinary Tract

    Thymus is a genus of the Lamiaceae family which includes more than 300 species. They are plants, rich in essential oils, creeping or in cushion bearing small pale pink or white flowers. Thyme linalool can form homogeneous populations at small sites. In all these cases, the habitat is located at medium altitude, between 500 and 1000 meters and characterized by less intense sunshine, lower temperature and higher air humidity than in the plain. However, this thyme can grow under very different ecological conditions.


    Thymus vulgaris
  • Thyme ct thujanol

    Thymus vulgaris

    Urinary Tract

    "This is a small corky bush, which can reach 40 cm in height. It has small curved leafs, deep green coloured on the edge, which are hairy and twined. The chemical polymorphism of the vulgar thyme has been initiated by Granger and al. in 1963. Between 1971 and 1986, Granger and Vernet and al. identified 6 chemotypes of thyme. It concerns the geraniol, the a-teripeol, the thuyanol, the linalol, the carvacrol and the thymol."


    Thymus vulgaris